
Always know who's calling

More than 150 million of users all over the world

Privacy Policy

Dear User!

Thank you for joining the family of the Find Contact™ Global Phone Number Trust Rating System, including the «Find Contact»™ mobile application and a web-service available at www.contactapk.com!

The «Find Contact»™ System options and functions comply with the rules listed in this Agreement. Please read carefully the text of this User Agreement, including all its provisions, clauses and sections, and the Privacy Policy provisions and conditions before installing the «Find Contact»™ mobile application directly into the internal or external memory of your mobile and (or) communication device or registering as a User at the Find Contact web service available at www.contactapk.com!

In the case, you DO NOT AGREE with the provisions of this User Agreement we ask you to stop using the «Find Contact»™ mobile application and log out of the System's web service at https://contactapk.com.

In the case, you DO NOT UNDERSTAND the meaning of the text of this Agreement in full, or in any part, we ask you to contact us at the following e-mail address [email protected] for getting the further relevant explanations.

We strongly recommend you review the text of this User Agreement for timely review of updates, changes in the part of the protection of the information you provided, new mobile application features available, or ways to contact us. In the case of updating the version of this User Agreement, we will change the date of publication set above the text of the User Agreement. Besides, we will inform you about updating the version of the document in any way available to you. Using the «Find Contact»™ mobile application and (or) web service after reading the updated version of the User Agreement expresses your explicit and unconditional consent to all provisions, clauses and sections of this User Agreement.




1.1. For this User Agreement, the terms listed below mean the following:

1.1.1 "www.contactapk.com" is a web resource located on the Internet domain name www.contactapk.com and operated through the Internet-related services (thence referred to as the "Website").

1.1.2. the "Find Contact" ™ mobile application is a computer software installed directly into the internal or external memory of a User's mobile and (or) communication device and (or) personal computer device (thence referred to as the "Mobile application").

1.1.3. the Administration are persons authorized to manage the Website and (or) the mobile application on behalf of the legal entity of the owner of the Find Contact ™ software, the GILRAEN LIMITED company.

1.1.4. a Website User or a "Find Contact"™ Mobile application User is an individual or a legal entity having access to the Website or using the "Find Contact"™ Mobile application under the established rules and provisions and with explicit and unconditional consent to all provisions, clauses and sections of this User Agreement (thence referred to as the User).

1.1.5. the "Find Contact" ™ System is a Global Phone Number Trust Rating System, which includes a universal telephone number identifier anonymously filled with the Information Elements by all the “Find Contact!” System Users, and a blocker of unwanted contacts, incoming calls, messages or chats on "Find Contact" ™ Users' mobile and (or) communication device and (or) personal computer devices (thence referred to as the System). 




2.1. This User Agreement, thence referred to as the "Agreement" is a public offer aimed at regulating contractual relationships between the Administration, on the one part, and the User, on the other. By accessing the website, a User agrees to take an offer or enter this Agreement. 

2.2. The Parties agree that registered use of the "Find Contact" ™ mobile application and (or) the user registration in the "Find Contact" ™ System Web service available at https://contactapk.com, as well as the read receipt of this Agreement set anywhere in the mobile application and (or) on the website are recognized as the User's explicit and unconditional consent to all provisions, clauses and sections of this User Agreement.

2.3. At any moment, the Administration may make any changes to this Agreement without personal notification of the User. The updated date of a change must be published in the application and (or) on the web page so that users can find and read it.

2.4. Registered use of the "Find Contact" ™ mobile application and (or) the System's web service is recognized as the explicit and unconditional consent to all provisions, clauses and sections of this User Agreement, as well as all amendments and updates to it. In the case, you do not agree to it, please stop using the «Find Contact»™ mobile application and log out of the System's web service, and uninstall the mobile application from your device immediately, within one (1) hour from the moment of refuse. Further use of the mobile application and (or) web service after reading this Agreement considered as the User's explicit and unconditional consent to all provisions, clauses and sections of this User Agreement, as well as all amendments and updates to it.

2.5. The User is personally responsible for timely checking of this Agreement for amendments and (or) updates and bears all the risks associated with untimely familiarization with the changes made to this Agreement.

2.6. The new version of the User Agreement becomes effective on the date of publishing on the "Find Contact" ™ website and (or) in the mobile application unless otherwise specified. To find the actual version of the User Agreement, please follow https://contactapk.com/apk/privacy.php

2.7 The "Find Contact" ™ System includes the mobile application and the web service https://contactapk.com available for access via mobile devices (thence referred to as "the Mobile devices") or any other communication devices able to connect to the World Wide Web (thence referred to as "the Desktop devices"). The "Find Contact" ™ mobile application allows the user to check the alleged initiator of the incoming phone call or its probable name or name variant, or read the other "Find Contact" ™ System Users correspondent reviews left for the phone number, BEFORE answering the call. Also, the user may check a specific phone number by putting it into the application or the web service search bar at https://contactapk.com.

2.8. The only System source of information, i.e. ratings, tags, reviews, notes, options, name variants and (or) any other data related to phone numbers (thence referred to as "the Information Elements") are the Users' anonymous and (or) overt actions performed in full compliance with the Agreement provisions, that is, explicitly and voluntarily. In the System, the Information Elements are managed following the provisions of this Agreement.

2.9 Phone Number Informational Elements are displayed in the specified logical section or the internal interface of the Find Contact ™ System mobile application, which is an integral part of the Find Contact ™ System software (thence referred to as the Phone Number Profile). Access to this internal interface is available solely to the user who can receive information about the sequence of digits that make up the phone number beforehand and from the third-party source. Every active phone number in every national Telephone Numbering Capacity gets a separate Number Profile. The Phone Number Profile and its Information Elements are the intellectual property of the copyright holder of the System.

2.10 Users can influence the way of presenting Phone Number Profile Information Elements on the website and (or) in the System's mobile application or draw the attention of the Administration to specified Information Elements using correspondent built-in mobile software and (or) web interfaces.

2.11 Users do not create, and the System does not provide technological capabilities for creating, any accounts or personalized "profiles" (i.e., "personal accounts", "user entries") on the website and (or) in the mobile application.




3.1. The subject of this Agreement is to provide the User with access to the Find Contact ™ System content.

3.1.1. The System provides the User with the following types of services:

- access to data search and navigation tools (interfaces) on the website and in the mobile application;

- free or paid access to system data and Find Contact ™ Number Profiles;

- access to mobile application options specified in the actual descriptions and advertising aids available at https://www.Contactapk.com

3.1.2. This Agreement covers all existing (actually functioning at the time of publication) Find Contact ™ System services, as well as any subsequent upgrades and additional services that can appear in the future.

3.2. The Find Contact ™ System data usage and provision of services are governed under the relevant international agreements and applicable national legislation.

3.3. When registering as a "Find Contact" ™ System User by installing and activating the "Find Contact" ™ mobile application and (or) web services on a user's mobile and (or) desktop devices, the User unconditionally agrees with the System's BASIC PREMISE, that is, any and all the System Users anonymously share with friends and the System an Information concerning the probable names or name variants of the subscribers of specified phone numbers contained in their mobile or desktop devices' internal address books or contact lists thereby supplementing the general System Data list. Users should not disseminate such information if there are judicial or other legally significant orders issued against them. In this case, we recommend such Users to refrain from using the "Find Contact" ™ Mobile Application.

3.4. The probable names or name variants of the subscribers of specified phone numbers received by the System under the Clause 3.3. of this Agreement, as well as other data generated by users' action or inaction, when using the website or the mobile application, are considered transferred into the ownership of the copyright holder of the Find Contact ™ System free and clear, ultimately, immediately, conclusively and completely, and become an integral part of the "Find Contact" ™ System. All the mentioned data is considered to have been created during the period of duration of this Agreement and subjected to all rules, conditions and provisions listed in this Agreement.




4.1. The Administration has the right to:

4.1.1. change the rules for using the System, as well as change the content of the website and the System's mobile application. Changes become effective on the date of publishing of the updated version of the Agreement on the website and (or) in the mobile application

4.1.2. at its discretion, delete, edit, hide, modify, merge, split, add or display any data in the Numbers Profiles

4.1.3. at its discretion, refuse a person to register as a User of the System

4.1.4. disclose information about any user under the local legislation

4.1.5. deny and (or) block access to the System without prior notice in case of violation of terms and provisions of this Agreement or any other System documents, or the event of termination of the System, or due to an operating bug or a technical problem.

4.2. The user has the right to:

4.2.1. use the free System's services provided on the website and (or) in the mobile application, as well as the paid services after entering the subscription to them

4.2.2. contact the System's technical support service via the System's website "Contacts" page at https://Contactapk.com or by email: [email protected], or via the "Find Contact" ™ mobile application's built-in text chat (messenger)

4.2.3. use the System solely for the purposes and in the manner prescribed by the User Agreement provided they are not prohibited by the national legislation of the country of presence

4.2.4. use the Systems data for personal purposes, subject to all provisions of this Agreement

4.2.5. get access to the System's website and (or) mobile application following the requirements of this User Agreement in a part of user registration.

4.3. The user is obliged to:

4.3.1. respect the authors' and other rightsholders property and non-property rights when using the data, the website and the System's mobile application

4.3.2. not undertake any operations leading to inoperability and (or) malfunction of the System in a whole or its website or mobile application

4.3.3. not use the services for: violation of the rights of minors and (or) infliction of harm to them in all manners impairment of rights of minorities feign, including impersonating as a representative of any organization and (or) community, and (or) the System, its website and mobile application

4.3.4. not use or copy or distribute the objects of intellectual rights of the System and other companies, including the software components, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, without obtaining the official permission of the copyright holder on a corporate letterhead addressed directly to the user.

4.4. The user is prohibited from:

4.4.1. use of any hardware, software, operations, algorithms or methods, or automatic devices, or similar or equivalent manual activities for unauthorized access aimed at purchasing, copying or tracking the System, website or mobile application content and (or) data

4.4.2. disrupting the System, website or mobile application correct functioning

4.4.3. bypassing, by any means, the navigation structure of the System to obtain any System information, documentation, content and (or) data that are not publicly available

4.4.4. unauthorized access to any System functions or any network related to the System

4.4.5. violating the security or authentication functions of the System or any network related to the System

4.4.6. use of the System, website or mobile application for any purposes prohibited by the legislation of the country of presence, or incite any illegal activity that violates the rights of the owners of the System or third parties

4.4.7. degrading social, racial, national, religious or linguistic superiority, or infringement of inviolability when using the System, website or mobile application

4.5. the Find Contact ™ System developers, administrators, moderators, technical support staff and (or) System software copyright holder are not responsible for the content of text comments and reviews or names, or variants of probable names that were left for the Phone Number Profiles by any Subscriber when using the System or website or the Find Contact ™ mobile application, and may be considered as propaganda or incitement to hatred.




5.1. After registering in the System by installing the mobile application directly into the internal or external memory of user's mobile and (or) communication device, a User gains temporary control over the System Profile linked to the phone number that was used during the installation of the Find Contact ™ Mobile Application.

5.2. The User agrees that, in the Find Contact ™ System, there are no “accounts” or “user entries” in the ordinary way

5.3. The User agrees that the Find Contact ™ System is an uncataloged list of Phone Number Profiles with access via the Find Contact ™ System mobile application and the website. The User agrees that the Phone Number Profiles and the Information Elements contained in them are not and cannot be recognized as "the User's personal data" or personal data of any other person, including other users and specified phone number subscribers. Phone Number Profiles are logical sections and an integral structural part of the Find Contact ™ System software.

5.4. Phone Number Profiles exist in the System and are active until the Regulatory Authority of a particular country, state, region or area, acting on behalf the Owner of a specified phone number (i.e., a particular State) immobilizes that specified phone number or withdraws it from national Telephone Numbering Capacity. Thus, the telephone number will disappear from the officially published open national phone numbers list and therefore the Phone Number Profile will disappear from the Find Contact ™ System too.

5.5. The Owner of any phone number is the State represented by the Government and the Regulatory Authority certified to regulate a specific industry. Subscribers (i.e., individuals and legal entities) gains the right of temporary use of the phone numbers on a sublease basis from the licenced telephone provider. In fact, any telephone number is public information, an ordinal sequence of numbers used for addressing in telephone networks, officially mentioned and published in the national pool of telephone numbers of a particular country, state, region or area. The phone number IS NOT a unit of subscriber's "personal data" and does let to unambiguously identify a person, in part or in full.

5.6. The content of the Find Contact ™ System, website and (or) mobile application is protected by copyright, trademark law and any other rights related to intellectual property and unfair competition legislation.

5.7. The User is personally responsible, without exception, for maintaining the confidentiality of their personal information, as well as for all activities conducted on behalf of the User within the System, website or mobile application.

5.8.  The User is obliged  to immediately report the unauthorized use of the website or the Find Contact ™ mobile application.

5.9. Mobile application and the Find Contact ™ System website provide paid options. The User can manage them in their Google inc. and (or) Apple accounts Setting section. The Find Contact ™ System does not and cannot accept payments from users. All purchases are made by users via the respective mobile platforms. The System does not accept the claims regarding the payments methods and (or) payments safety and (or) correctness of payments. Users must address such claims to Google inc. and Apple, respectively, as direct sellers of the paid options provided of the Find Contact ™ System.

5.10. The System provides its functions and options "as is" and does not guarantee their operability on the user's specific mobile and (or) desktop devices. Before purchasing the paid options provided by the System, the User is obliged to make sure that the mobile application or the website https://Contactapk.com are displayed and works correctly on their devices.

5.11. Find Contact™ is a self-contained system. It does not operate with Information Elements added by Users to the website and (or) the mobile application outside the System for commercial purposes. The System does not sell, lease or provide the Information Elements added by Users free of charge to third parties that are the Users of the System.

5.12. The System does not place third parties advertising inside the provided interactive services or on its website pages, or the mobile application screens. The System does NOT cooperate with advertisers, does not aggregate and (or) transmit Information Elements added by Users. The System strictly respects the GDPR legislation and local laws of countries of presence in part of personal data protection. Nevertheless, the System reserves the right to implement the systems of automatic end-to-end visiting statistics gathering on its website and mobile application provided that their functioning strictly complies with the GDPR legislation and local laws of countries of presence. The ONLY purpose of gathering visiting statistics data and anonymized digital analytical reports are further development, modernization, improvement and modification of the System.

5.13. When using the System, the User or any other person cannot use any content, information and (or) Information Elements for illegal or malicious purposes that can affect the rights of third parties, including rights to intellectual property that do not belong to the User, 

5.14. Under this Agreement, when registering as a User of the System and providing it with information about the third parties' phone numbers, the User confirms that there is no order or prohibition of the relevant third party to disseminate the information about their phone numbers among the Find Contact ™ System Users.

5.15. The content of the System's Mobile Application and the Website, including, but not limited to design, texts, graphic elements, interactive interface elements, Information Elements of any type, software, source code, algorithms, as well as trademarks and assumed business names, logos (thence referred to as the "Content") belong to the copyright holder's legal entity and is protected by international and national intellectual rights protection legislation and respective patents and certificates confirming property and non-property rights.

5.16. In the case, the User accepts, certainly and without any doubt, the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the System grants the User a personal limited revocable non-transferable license to access and use the components of the Find Contact ™ System from the moment of acceptance.

5.17. In the case, the User refuses to use the System's Mobile Application they must physically remove the Find Contact ™ Mobile Application from the internal or external memory of their mobile and (or) desktop devices.

5.18. In the case of the User's refusal to use the System's mobile application by physically removing the Find Contact ™ mobile application from their mobile and (or) desktop devices, the user expresses their explicit consent to transfer the exclusive rights for the all added and (or) generated Information Elements, including ratings, tags, text comments and reviews, characteristics, audio, visual, textual, location-based and other types of сontent provided by the Find Contact ™ mobile application functionality, into the ownership of the copyright holder of the Find Contact ™ System free and clear, ultimately, immediately, conclusively and completely. The User expresses their explicit consent that all above-mentioned data becomes an integral part of the "Find Contact" ™ System and considered to have been created during the period of duration of this Agreement and subjected to all rules, conditions and provisions listed in this Agreement. 

5.19. The User has the right to delete the following Information Elements clearly added and (or) generated by them in the corresponding sections of the System's mobile application:

5.19.1. tags (or ratings) specified by the User in the Phone Number Profiles

5.19.2. text reviews left by the User in the Phone Number Profiles

5.19.3. User's personal notes saved in the Phone Number Profiles

5.19.4. the contents of the built-in call logs and SMS logs (subscribers' phone numbers only, without analyzing, reading or collecting the text of correspondence)

5.19.5. User's Block list

5.19.6. avatars and other illustrations and photographs assigned by the User in the Phone Number Profiles.




6.1. The Administration will not be liable for any losses that the User may suffer in the event of unintentional or deliberate violation of any provision of this Agreement.

6.2. The Administration will not be responsible for:

6.2.1. Delays or failures in the process of using the System, its website and (or) mobile application arose from force majeure, as well as any case of telecommunication, computer, power and other related systems malfunctions.

6.2.2. The correct functioning of the System, its website and (or) mobile application, in case the User does not have the necessary devices to use the System, its website and (or) mobile application. Also, the Administration is not obliged to provide Users with such technical means.

6.3. The Administration will not be liable to any third party, in case the User of the System, its website and (or) mobile application unintentionally or deliberately violates the rights of such third parties.




7.1. The Administration will not be liable to the User or third parties for the termination of access to the System, its website and (or) mobile application, in the case, the User violates any provision of this Agreement or other document regulating the use of the System.

7.2 The Administration has the right to terminate access to the System, its Content, website or mobile application, in the case, the User violates any provision of the Find Contact ™ Content Rules described in Section 10 of this Agreement and annexes to it.




8.1. If any disputes arise between the Administration and the User, the precondition is submitting a claim in writing. 

8.2. The recipient considers the claim within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt and notifies the applicant about the results of the consideration in writing.

8.3. Should the Parties fail to reach an agreement of lawsuit, they submit disputes to obligatory judicial settlement under the applicable legislation of the country of presence.




9.1. Any person or organization representative, whether they are registered Users or not, has the right to contact the System's technical support team to report questionable or unacceptable Information Elements added to any Phone Number Profile. The technical support team is available to contact via the "Contacts" page on https://Contactapk.com or by email [email protected], or via the built-in Find Contact™ mobile application text chat (messenger).

9.2. The technical support team is obliged to respond within 24 hours and submit an application for checking the correspondent Phone Number Profile by the System Moderators.

9.3. System Moderators are obliged to check the Phone Number Profile to identify possible violations of the provisions of this Agreement and make corrections no later than 24 hours after the technical support team receives a report.




10.1 The User is obliged to follow the Find Contact ™ Content Rules during the entire period of use of the System, its website, and (or) mobile application. Otherwise, the Administration has the right to restrict the User's access to the System, Information Elements, the website, and (or) the mobile application in part or in full.

10.2 The purport of the Content Rules comes to the requirements for textual, and (or) graphic details of the Information Elements of the Phone Number Profiles. Information Elements should not contain texts or images considered a personal insult, obscene language, unethical or publicly condemned statements, or signs of persecution, humiliation, racial, gender, religious, and (or) sexual discrimination. Information Elements containing such details and (or) unequivocal accusations of offenses prosecuted by the Law are considered a violation of the Content Rules and subject to elimination by the Administration within a reasonable time from the first report to the System's technical support team. Any person or organization representative whether they are registered Users or not has the right to report any of the violations listed above.




11.1. For correct operation and performance of the declared mobile application functions, the User must provide their mobile and (or) desktop device with a permanent connection to the World Wide Web in any available way.

11.2. The phone number specified by the User when installing the mobile application into the internal or external memory of the mobile or desktop device is used by the System for intrinsic addressing when operating.

11.3. To fulfill Clause 3.3 of this Agreement, the Administration is obliged not to publish or distribute any information about the source of any versions of possible names. The Administration is obliged not to publish or distribute the User's mobile or desktop device internal address book (or contact list) quantitative or qualitative characteristics to prevent identifying the User or their phone number directly or indirectly. The System does not allow to store such information. In the case of a correspondent request from the User (within the mobile application or website functionality), such data is considered anonymous, protected by the website or mobile application functionality, and not intended for processing and (or) distribution outside the System.

11.4. By accepting this Agreement, the User expresses their explicit and unconditional consent to contribute to catching the System goals during the period of use of the Mobile Application and (or) the website at https://Contactapk.com, by either action or omission. The System is aimed at assigning the maximum quantity of characteristics (i.e., social connections, probable names, ratings, and reviews, thence referred to as the Statistical Information) to the maximum quantity of phone numbers of any type and geographic location, and helping users to identify the probable subscribers of specified phone numbers, regardless of whether they are the Users of the System or not since the specified Statistical Information is linked to a specified phone number.

11.5. In the case the User's mobile device is run under the Google® Android ™ operating system, with each incoming call and (or) after the completion of each incoming call made via the Find Contact ™ Mobile Application the User may allow the mobile device to send to a remote storage Statistical information about the caller (including but not limited to the amount and difference and (or) quantitative changes of Statistical Information assigned to a specific phone number, and text reviews and other Information Elements left for the specific Phone Number Profile). The Administration does not guarantee the function availability on a User's device or the technical capability to enable it on a User's device and does not consider this function mandatory.

11.6 Please note that this Agreement includes Annex No. 1 containing the Privacy Policy as an integral part of this Agreement.


Annex No.1 

to the USER AGREEMENT for joining «Find Contact!»™, the global Phone Number Trust Rating System, including the «Find Contact»™ mobile application and a web-service available at www.Contactapk.com 



of the «Find Contact»™ mobile application and a web-service available at www.Contactapk.com


1. This Privacy Policy regards the information we collect about you when you use the Find Contact ™ Mobile Application or the website at https://Contactapk.com

The purposes of processing the information you provide depend on what websites you visit and what services and functions you use simultaneously with the Find Contact ™ Mobile Application and (or) the website at https://Contactapk.com.

2. In particular, we use the collected information for:

- ensuring the fulfillment of the terms and conditions of the USER AGREEMENT for joining «Find Contact!»™, the global Phone Number Trust Rating System, including the «Find Contact»™ mobile application and a web-service available at www.Contactapk.com and the provision the Find Contact ™ System Users with all the necessary and sufficient services

- protecting the System Users from known information security threats

- improving the interaction and operational comfort of the provided services, in particular, modernizing the interfaces and providing the necessary content for statistical purposes

- providing technical support for the products and services of the System for Users and improving the quality of the System's products and services

- responding to your questions and interacting with you. 

3. According to this Policy, Confidential (personal) information means information about the User that came to the disposal of the Administration under the explicit and unconditional User's consent with the text of this Annex No. 1 to the User Agreement evidenced by the use of the Find Contact ™ Mobile Application and any other components of the Find Contact ™ System:

3.1. Users' information provided by themselves independently and explicitly when installing the Find Contact ™ Mobile Application

3.2. Users' information provided by themselves when registering (by installing the mobile application on their mobile or desktop devices) or in the process of using the Find Contact ™ Mobile Application or any other components of the Find Contact ™ System.

3.3. Information about the users that allows recognizing phone numbers listed in the contact list of the specific mobile device or SIM card, regardless of whether a user is registered in the System or not.

3.4. Information about the users that allows recognizing probable names assigned to phone numbers listed in the contact list of the specific mobile device, regardless of whether a user is registered in the System or not.

3.5. Information collected and transmitted by the Find Contact ™ mobile application to the System while running on the User's mobile or desktop device,  namely, an IP-address, a profile's phone number, system date and time set on the User's device, User's device screen size, location data, the language set by default on the User's device, the time of opening the screens, the order of opening and closing the screens, information about the User's device model and the version of the Find Contact ™ software installed, the User's device system settings, and all the User's actions within the limited framework of the Mobile Application or the System Website, without exceptions.

3.6. Texts, images, illustrations, photo and video files added by the User to the System (including texts, photo and video files materials logically connected to the System's Information Elements or the third-party service, or connected to the third-party software).

3.7. User's location data (provided the User expresses explicit consent to obtain this type of data).

4. This Privacy Policy concerns any information about the User, that the Find Contact ™ System may obtain with the mobile application and (or) website. The User expresses an explicit and unconditional consent that such information may be collected using the third-party licensed anonymized online statistics and analytics systems following the GDPR rules and local legislation requirements.

5. This Policy covers only the functionality of the Find Contact ™ System, its mobile application, and website. The Administration does not control and is not liable for the third-party services and products available for the Users in the Find Contact ™ Mobile Application interface in the form of hyperlinks. The mentioned services and products may collect other types of data and perform other actions under the User's sole responsibility and consent confirmed within a third-party product or service and outside the Find Contact ™ System.

6. By default, the Administration does not and is not obliged to verify the accuracy of the provided user information, and does not take charge of the mental capacity of the users of the System. The possible consequences of the provision of false information do not entail responsibility for the Administration and (or) the System.

7. The System Administration respects the users' safety and privacy. Ratings, comments, reviews, reports, tags, or other Informational Elements of the System are only public statistics about Find Contact ™ System users' personal subjective evaluative opinion and reviews left under the sole responsibility of a particular user.

8. When registering as a User of the System and providing it with information about the third parties' phone numbers under this User Agreement, the User confirms that there is no order or prohibition of the relevant third party to disseminate the information about their phone numbers among the Find Contact ™ System Users, in its mobile application and on the website.

9. By providing information, the User as a subject of information gives to the GILRAEN LIMITED company (" the Administration") located at Spyrou Kyprianou 10, Flat / Office G1 Mesa Geitonia, 4001, Limassol, Cyprus their permanent consent to perform the following actions or a set of actions through the use or independently of any automation tools: data harvesting, recording, classification, accumulation, storage, updating, changing, extraction, use, transfer (i.e., distribution, provision, granting access), anonymization, blocking, deletion or destruction of any information received from the User.

10. For the purposes listed above, the Administration may transmit the received information to the anonymized data processing and analytics systems, licensed under relevant standards and requirements of the GDPR rules and local legislation, as the results of their work are necessary to fulfill the goals stated above until the User withdraws the correspondent consent. The Administration has the right to store the specific information received from the User in part of in full solely for the purposes determined by the legislation or for legal purposes required by the Administration within the Privacy Policy for the internal user identification or the upgrading and further development of the Find Contact ™ System, its mobile application and (or) website.

11. Besides, the Administration has the right to copy the information received from the User to store copies for a certain amount of time necessary to implement the functions declared in advertising and descriptions of the Find Contact ™ System, its mobile application, and (or) website.

12. The Administration has the right to provide data and Information Elements about the phone numbers linked to users' Phone Number Profiles to other Users of the System by granting access to text reviews, ratings, tags, variants of probable names for Phone Number Profiles in the Number Profiles, photo and video files, and illustrations posted by Users in the System, as well as information about the location of a particular User (only in the case the User independently and explicitly provided the Administration and the System with access to obtain information about their location and expressed consent to distribute such data among other User of the System).

13. The Administration has the right to share information (with or without personal data contained) to protect the Administration and the System, or its legal rights, or to fulfill its legal obligations when:

13.1. responding to requests received under the local legislation from the local government bodies

13.2. concerning the information posted by the User is illegal and (or) criminal

14. Besides, the Administration has the right to collect and update the available information about the User and their phone numbers provided by other Users of the System.

15. In the case, the User has already provided their personal data to the Administration and (or) would like to change or update such data in part or in full, or delete it from the System records, or know what personal data is used by the System, as well as in the case, the User has any questions or concerns regarding the processing of their personal data, they can contact the Find Contact ™ System technical support team at [email protected]

16. The Administration takes the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect information concerning and received from Users from any unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, or distribution, as well as from other illegal actions made by the third parties, including encoding or encrypting the information provided.

17. The Administration has the right to determine the storage location of information received from Users, as well as any other information used by the System at its own discretion and following the local legislation of a country of presence.


IF YOU AGREE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND THE RULES OF USING THE Find Contact ™ SYSTEM, its Website and Mobile Application LISTED ABOVE, ACCEPT THEM EXPLICITLY, WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS, please, click on the corresponding box on this web page or in the "Find Contact!" ™ application to continue installing the application on your mobile or desktop device.


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Caller Identification
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If you couldn't find the number, check it every other day because we update the database every day. Find Contact allows you to know a caller’s ID even if the phone number is not saved in your phone book. It filters out unwanted calls and lets you to communicate with only those you want to.

It's time to take communication and get contacts to a whole new level.

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FindContact will identify who is calling, will recognize unknown callers & numbers, while giving you a great phone book UI. Our caller ID has caller trace & phone number lookup features that will always tell you who called, with a next level user experience.

Say bye bye to robocalls, telemarketing scam calls & stop spam calls! Blacklist and block contacts with Find Contact and it’s unique spam filter that uses caller id data. Advanced spam call blocker app, that can also blacklist and stop spam calls from a certain prefix & especially robocalls.

Introducing FindContact+: WhatsApp Caller ID & spam block, Identify SMS & calls from IM.

We do not sell, share data with any third party application and/or organization.

We are constantly working to make Find contact better. Our focus is your security. With your valuable feedback and support, we will always continue doing our best.


Findcontact allows you to know a caller’s ID even if the phone number is not saved in your phone book. It filters out unwanted calls and lets you to communicate with only those you want to.

Activate spam filter so you’ll be instantly notified when you get an unwanted call and provided with the real-time protection against automated calls, telemarketers and scammers.

We are so good at fighting unwanted calls, and we are striving to make our technology stronger day by day. In 2025 alone, we prevented over 500 million unwanted calls and potential fraud.

Find contact draws its strength from its community. Block unwanted calls and report them to us. By doing so, you can contribute to protection of millions of Find contact users.

CALLER IDENTIFICATION and SPAM BLOCKING: Findcontact allows you to know a caller’s ID even if the phone number is not saved in your phone book. It filters out unwanted calls and lets you to communicate with only those you want to. Activate spam filter so you’ll be instantly notified when you get an unwanted call and provided with the real-time protection against automated calls, telemarketers and scammers. We are so good at fighting unwanted calls, and we are striving to make our technology stronger day by day. In 2025 alone, we prevented over 500 million unwanted calls and potential fraud. Findcontact draws its strength from its community. Block unwanted calls and report them to us. By doing so, you can contribute to protection of millions of Findcontact users.

#SpamBlocking #Getcontact #Find contact location #Find contact name, profession by phone number

Caller Identification
It is your right to know who is calling you!
Instantly learn the identity of an unknown caller
on your Android device.
Find location of mobile number and
show phone number location on maps!

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